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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  October 24, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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>> the energy is exciting. well talk about baseball. we have fun, and it's just an awesome experience. >> everybody from every county wants to come down. they want to enjoy this energy, this excitement. even though they don't have a ticket, to go out in the street, to yell and scream and unleash, that's what they do. >> this is very exciting. the city is going nuts. everyone is partying in the streets. it's a great time. >> reporter: while they do not refuse the right to serve those not wearing giants colors, i can tell you, you will stand out if you aren't in them. most bars and restaurants around the park, restaurant and bar owners say they love the postseason. their refrigerators and bars are stocked, and they are certainly ready for the crowds. live in san francisco, kimberly tere, nbc bay area news. >> all right. tickets to be inside the ballpark about $400 to $4,000. >> $400 for standing room only. oh my goodness. >> so it's not a bad option to be at a local bar. inside the park, maybe the most compelling story line for the giants this season, the
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barry zito revival, and he is pitching tonight. >> but it won't be easy. zito and the giants are facing one of the top pitchers in all of baseball. let's bring in jaymee sire from comcast sportsnet as we count down to the first pitch. >> this marks the first time that two cy young award winners will face off in game one of the world series. and the giants certainly have their work cut out with them with justin verlander, who is averaging more than a strikeout per inning. he is 3-0 with a .47 e.r.a. >> we know what great stuff he has. you're walking one of the elite pitchers ever in the game, as hard as he throws and his other pitches. you hope your hitters look forward to seeing him and do all they can to compete to make something happen. >> what's impressive is we're at the end of october, and he is still pitching, throwing complete games, and doesn't seem to have lost anything as far as stuff goes.
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and to me that's probably what is most impressive. >> his stuff is really good. he throws four pitches for strikes, and four really good pitches for strikes. and they're all strikeout pitches. and, you know, guys like him don't come around very often. he's definitely got a blessed golden arm on his side. you know, it's pretty impressive to watch him work. >> overall in world series game ones, giants are 11-7, and 6-4 at home. reporting from at&t park, i'm jaymee sire for nbc bay area news. many of the players have their superstitions. they eat certain things before a big game. who can forget aubrey huff's rally song from last time around. but fans also have their superstitions, and we caught up with some of them, who feel their attire impacts the outcome of the game. >> i always wear this hat that i'm wearing. every time i wear this hat, they have won. >> you know, i purchased this
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about 12 years ago, and i decided to pull it out of my closet. what better place than to wear it than at at&t on october 24th, 2012. the giants are in the world series. >> another fan says his pregame ritual includes a run from his north beach home to at&t park to include the willie mays statue. >> as is tradition, both mayors made a friendly wager. today mayor ed lee leigh outlined his bet with the detroit mayor. no silly items. mayor lee and mayor bing have stepped it up here. the winning mayor will host the loser for a day of community service and a tour of his city's industries. should it be noted the mayor's official car is a chevy volt made in detroit. we invite you to stay with us on nbc bay area and over on our website at for our exclusive behind-the-scenes coverage of the giants' world series run that includes our partnership with comcast sports bay area. you get reaction immediately following the games. switch over to sports central
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live. kruk and kuip will be part of this postgame coverage. if you are at the game, hopefully you have bundled up. we have a cold night on tap, and there is still a chance of rain in the forecast. chief meteorologist jeff ranieri is in the nbc bay area weather center. >> cold temperatures. have i my lucky orange tie on. so go giants tonight. take a look at that doppler radar. we're getting very close to some rain activity. the heaviest rain has now pushed off here to the east. but we are still tracking a little bit of instability as we zoom into at&t park. you'll see as the doppler radar scans around, we currently have dry conditions. so what will this mean as we head into that first pitch and a little bit beyond? temperatures are expected in the upper 50s and low 60s. a slight chance of a shower throughout this hour. however, i do not think we'll see anything at this point throughout 7:00 p.m., mid- to upper 50s, and the cloud cover will linger. by 9:00 p.m., temperatures in the low to mid-50s for. that second game, a quick preview. we'll have dry weather. and then as they head to
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michigan on saturday for the third game, we are expecting showers and much colder temperatures that could even be in the upper 30s and low 40s on saturday in detroit. now our chances of a rain delay tonight only 10%. a chance of ra rainout 1%. so the odds are in our favor for the weather to be pretty good here for this game. you can bring those umbrellas if you're headed out that way to at&t park if you're running a little bit late. but they like those folding umbrellas. so make sure you have those. otherwise we're talking about a warming trend coming up over the next two to three days. we are going to talk about how warm will it go, and when some 80s could return in the seven-day forecast a little bit later on. >> okay, jeff. we will see you then. we have plenty of other headlines on this wednesday evening. have you filled up this week? we're finally getting some relief at the gas pump. take a look at today's prices, compared to just last week. gas has dropped as much as 22 cents around the bay area. two weeks ago we were at a record high for the year. experts say prices will continue to drop, and could even slip
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below $4 a gallon by the end of this year. city planners from across the silicon valley are about to get a look into the future. it's a relatively new approach to urban planning. high density housing mixed with retail and public transit. nbc bay area's damian trujillo is live along the alameda in san jose where he got a sneak peek of an upcoming tour. damian? >> reporter: janelle, this is what they're talk about. lots of homes on top. lots of retail on the bottom. this concept is about 15 years old. proponents say it's working, and they want to see more. david loewenstein always walks his pooch, named willie mays, to the coffee shop down stairs him. also gets his food for the week across the parking lot. >> it's nice. it's got the grocery store specialties, and they're going to have a fish taco place. and i like it. >> reporter: that was the idea when developers built the villa
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apartments, placing the development strategically close to mass transit. >> you can become a one-car family or a zero car family with bikes if you live close to transit like this. >> reporter: so the silicon valley leadership group is hosting a bus tour on saturday to get city leaders and perhaps skeptics to see for themselves how the concept is working. >> so that people can see what is available not to rent, not to do any of that. the people we're talking about is the planning commissioners, people that are involved in decision making when it comes to high density housing. >> reporter: the tour will lead people to five different developments across the silicon valley, projects the leadership group says high-tech companies are asking for. >> they bring people in from out of the state, and they can't afford to live here. so what is the hook? housing like this. >> i work at hp. i like it because it's really close to work, and it's really modern inside. just got built last year. >> reporter: plus loewenstein says willie mays also likes it
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at the villa apartments. they called it smart growth when the silicon valley leadership group introduced this idea about 15 years ago. we're live in is only, i'm damian trujillo, nbc bay area news. >> damian, thank you. new details tonight in the lockdown of two hayward schools. it happened after a pair of robbery suspects stopped their stolen car and ran into the nearby neighborhood. our nbc chopper was on the scene. the police caught both men after a brief search. but since witnesses said the men had a gun, as a precaution, police locked down southgate middle school and southgate elementary school. police believe the suspects tossed the gun away during that chase. the lockdown was lifted at lunch time. barnes & noble under a hack attack. authorities say hackers tampered with pin pad devices in dozens of stores across the country. in response it has disabled nearly every pin pad in all of its stores including half a dozen in the bay area.
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the barnes and noble on stevens creek. only one device in each store was hacked. the criminals planted bugs in the affected pin pads, which allowed them to obtain pins and credit card numbers there are reports the stolen information has been used to make unauthorized purchases. >> the cards that i have, i have protection on it. so if something does happen, i can always report to my credit card company and have it fixed pretty quickly. >> you have heard that barnes & noble has been the victim of hacking. >> i'd rather use cash. >> barnes & noble stopped using the pin pads in all of its stores back on september 14th, but says it didn't release the information until now because it was asked by the justice department to keep it quiet so the fbi could investigate. the stores that were affected in the bay area are the ones in san jose, san mateo, san bruno, walnut creek, corte madera and emeryville. i'm marianne favro at the only center in the bay area offering women 3-d mammograms. coming up, i'll show you how the technology is benefitting patients.
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in the last few years, america has been knocked down. 23 million people can't find full-time work. >> with or without the chair, he is back. clint eastwood steps into the decision 2012 stage once again. we'll learn what he is saying now, and see how the new ohio poll that could help settle this race. we're back in a moment.
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. we need someone who can turn it around fast, and that man is mitt romney there is not much time left. >> that's clint eastwood, once again lending his support to the romney campaign. the movie icon appears in a new 30-second tv ad, paid for by the superpac american crossroads. the ad began running today ins en key swing states, including colorado, ohio, and florida. both candidates are campaigning like crazy right now, covering multiple states in one day.
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the obama campaign got a boost in ohio from a "time" magazine poll. it gives the president a 5% lead over mitt romney. but other polls show the candidates are still neck and neck. steve handelsman is live in washington with an update for us. good evening, steve. >> reporter: janelle, thanks. good evening to you. neck and neck means there are a whole lot of different combinations of wins. in the swing states like florida that could mean a victory on november 6th. and so these candidate are trying to hit all the battlegrounds. mitt romney and paul ryan's swing state tour started in colorado. they split up, romney going to nevada, where he trails by three points, but claimed he is closing on the president. >> he's out of ideas and out of excuses, and in november you're going to put him out of office. >> mitt romney and i believe in true compassion and upward mobility. >> colorado could be key. last night outside denver,
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thousands cheered the republican ticket. the obama lead in this state has disappeared. to slow the slide, barack obama will visit five swing states. >> we're going to pull an all-nighter. >> reporter: starting in iowa, where his lead is down to two points. >> iowa, you know me. you know -- you know that i say what i mean. >> reporter: he charged governor romney with bait and switch. >> the bait is that his promise creates $12 million. the switch is the fact that his plan doesn't create 12 million jobs. >> reporter: like paul ryan, joe biden was in the buckeye state. >> ohio is going to pick the next president of the united states of america. >> reporter: if the democrats do win here, is that really it? >> everyone always says no republican has been elected president without ohio, and that's absolutely true. but, you know, every four years, we break rules. >> reporter: the obama plan is to take ohio plus iowa and wisconsin or new hampshire or colorado, maybe virginia. >> the problem for the
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president, he has leads in he's swing states by two, three points. the problem is he is not over 50% in any of them. >> reporter: and 50 plus one is the winning number. so the pace will stay intense. governor romney going tonight to iowa. president obama going on "the tonight show" in los angeles , then to nevada for a late, late night rally. and then an air force red-eye to florida where he starts tomorrow's push in the swing states. live from washington, i'm steve handelsman, nbc bay area news. raj, back to you. >> steve, thank you. on the eve of the occupy oakland anniversary, the president has promoted 13 of its officers, giving them more responsibilities. oakland's police chief and city leaders presented the new sergeants, captains, and lieutenants with their badges as their friends and family looked on. the newly promoted officers will take on supervisor roles. city leaders acknowledge the promotions come at a difficult time for the department as they
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face a possible takeover and gears up for what could be another round of major demonstrations tomorrow. >> i think there is no doubt that this is a challenging time for the city and the oakland police department. but today is a remarkable day. it's about celebrating the professionals of the police department and all of the work that they do for the city and their contribution professionally to the organization. >> the police chief says the department, including the newest supervisors are ready for whatever tomorrow's demonstrations bring. tonight at 6:00, we'll uncover how the department is preparing for the occupy anniversary. >> okay. dry weather is on the way, but we're not out of the woods yet. let's check in with jeff ranieri. >> that's exactly right, janelle. we're going to show you on our sky camera network a few things we're concerned about. right now on the dollars, as it scans around, we're currently finding no raindrops at the surface in san francisco, down to san jose. we'll zoom in even a little closer for all you giants fans. you can see right across downtown san francisco, back to at&t park, it is currently
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clear. so great news for the game right now at this point. however, we'll have a chance here of maybe an isolated shower. we'll get you into the other big story. not only the rainfall the past three days, but the cold air that continues to grip a lot of the region. right now we are where we should be for overnight lows up in the north bay with isolated 50s and also low 60s. in the south bay unusually cold here. los gatos at 56 degrees. so no matter where you're headed tonight, you're going to need a jacket. also some layers. temperatures will average 5 to 10 degrees below average. and we could even be near some record-setting lows tomorrow morning which would include napa, santa rosa, los gatos and san jose with mid- to upper 40s again for tomorrow morning. let's take you live outside to the hd sky camera network. look at this. some cumulonimbus clouds developing across the north bay. that's what may push out a little bit of shower activity. so for the beginning of the game we are still calling for the chance here of an isolated shower. but, again, no heavy rain on the
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radar right now. next 48 hours, what we're going to have happen is this stormy pattern we've had the past three days, three storms in three days is going to get out of here. so that's going to be, you know, gone. what we're going to find is temperatures warming up with high pressure building offshore. we're not going to go with any kind of hot warning, but definitely mild. we could see numbers go up 10 to 15 degrees from what we experienced today. so we'll find 50s and 60s at the coastline. and for the interior valleys, instead of 60s, here is a little bit of warming. we turn it up slightly here with 70s for the east and also the south bay that warming trend really starts to kick in as we head throughout friday's forecast. we'll start with the coldest numbers up in the north bay, 43 in napa. 45 in santa rosa. 45 in livermore. 45 in san jose. gilroy could drop to an expected 41 degrees. by the afternoon hours, decent warm-up. we'll go about 20 to 30 degrees increase on that heat. 70 in santa rosa. 71 in cal nut creek. 70 in livermore. how about the giants going at it
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with world series game one right now. we are expecting that slight chance of showers throughout this hour. also a little bit into 6:00 p.m. but then dryer weather throughout:00, 8:00, and 9:00. dry weather for game two on thursday at at&t park, and showery and talk about cold weather here in detroit. temperatures could even be in the upper 30s by the end of the game on saturday. all right. as far as the rain now goes tonight, not going to happen. 1% chance of that. and a chance of a rain delay about 10% at the current moment. if you have tickets, you're running out the door and running late, you can bring umbrellas. you get the kinds that fold up underneath your seat. thursday and friday we will find dry weather and sunshine. as we head throughout this upcoming weekend, that is right. 8-0 coming our way. so after 60s today, we're going to heat it up just in time. >> perfect! >> taking money back in the weather center for that forecast. >> okay, beautiful. thanks, jeff. in health matters, if you
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drink diet soda, listen up. a new study by a well respected hospital suggests a possible link between aspartame and certain cancers. but now outside experts are finding fault with that new data. it linked rats' artificially sweetened diets to aspartame. it found the findings are not reliable. aspartame is an artificial sweetener found in products. new use for 3-d technology that could help more accurately diagnosis breast cancer for a certain group of women. find out who and how, next.
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a new high-tech tool is giving women an edge in the fight against breast cancer. nbc bay area's marianne favro is here to tell us more about the benefits of 3-d mammograms. >> well, we talked to a radiology who is the first to offer this new screening to patients here in the bay area. she says not only does it make it easier to detect cancers that are often missed, it can also spare some women from an unnecessary biopsy.
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this may look like a traditional mammography machine, but the images it captures are quite different. they're 3-d. at breast imaging specialists in los gatos, radiologist is using this new fda-approved imaging on patients. she says the new technology is especially useful for women who have dense breasts. their tissue appears white in 2-d images, making it difficult to detect possible tumors, which also appear white. >> and the hope it is would allow you to see things a year or maybe two years before the regular mammogram would, in which case the patient would definitely benefit, because the smaller the size of tumor you find, the better the survival rates. >> reporter: just look at the two images side by side. in this 2-d picture, it's difficult to see a tumor. but if you look at the same breast in 3-d -- >> in 3-d, you see a distinct mass. >> reporter: this woman who has dense breasts just had her first 3-d mammogram.
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she says the new technology give herself peace of mind. >> you can see a lot clearer. >> reporter: recent studies have shown radiologists using the new 3-d mammograms detected 20% more cancers than those who used the traditional 2-d mammogram. and dr. patel says because 3-d mammograms also help radiologists also rule out certain masses, it may spare some patients from undergoing unnecessary biopsies. the 3-d mammogram is covered by most insurance providers. marianne favro, nbc bay area news. >> thanks, marianne. and we'll be right back.
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we have a lot of stories we're working on. let's get a look at what is coming up in the next 90 minutes. >> jessica aguirre has the
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rundown. >> next on "nightly news," with less than two weeks left until election day, brian williams and news cameras are spending two dines campaign trail with president obama, exclusive access behind the scenes. tonight see part one of brian's interview with the president on the road. and then the new at 6:00, stop by southwest bay area man made it easier to check in, but the airline shut him down. find out why when we join you at 6:00. >> all right. we'll see you then. thanks, jesse. still a chance of rain possible tonight at the game? >> it's very minuscule, but we're watching cloud top build up. so over the next hour and a half, just a slight chance of shower, temperatures in the 50s to low 60s. game two, dry with sunshine. but michigan, that's going to be cold for game three. low 40s coming our way. >> it's better here. >> it is better here. >> of course. >> it's a great place to be. >> we'll see you at 6:00. >> good night.
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